Fall 2017: MCOP Seminar Reading Schedule
Week 1
Introduction: Concepts and Maps and CriteriaWeek 2 A common problem
Fischoff- Defining RiskKasperson et al: Chapter 2, Whose views really matter in the end?
Stern- Blind Spots in Policy Analysis:What economics doesn’t say about energy use
DeMarchi- Public Participation and Risk Governance
Ackerman and Heizerling- Pricing the Priceless
Week 3 Positivism
Kahneman- Thinking Fast and Slow: Chapter 22 and Chapter 23
Taleb- Black Swan: Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
Taleb- Black Swan: Chapter 5 and Chapter 6
Week 4 Context matters: A different approach
Clark: Introduction and Fundamentals, Capters 1 & 2
Rittel and Webber- Dilemmas in a general theory of planning
Beck- When are you really an adult?
Rittel and Webber- Dilemmas in a general theory of planning
Jentoft and Chuenpagdee- Fisheries and coastal governance as a wicked problem
Hacking- Social Construction of What (Read: Why ask What?)Beck- When are you really an adult?
Week 5 Social Process (9/19)
Clark: Chapter 3, Social Process
Fox et al- “You kill the dam, you are killing a part of me”: Dam removal and the environmental politics of river restoration
Galston- The populist movement
Kuper- What's wrong with the cultural elite?
Lasch- The Revolt of the Elites: Have they canceled their allegiance to America?
Galston- The populist movement
Kuper- What's wrong with the cultural elite?
Lasch- The Revolt of the Elites: Have they canceled their allegiance to America?
Week 6 Decision Process (9/26)
Clark: Chapter 4, Decision ProcessCash et al- Knowledge systems for sustainable development
NurseyBray et al: Science into policy? Discourse, coastal management and knowledge
Extra (but helpful): Understanding Patterns of Human Interactions and Decision Making
Extra (but helpful): Understanding Patterns of Human Interactions and Decision Making
Week 7 Problem Orientation (10/3)
Clark: Chapter 5, Problem Orientation
Sarewitz and Pielke- Prediction in Science and Policy
Clark et al- A Problem-Oriented Overview of Management Policy
Pilkey Mathematical Fishing
Clark et al- A Problem-Oriented Overview of Management Policy
Khan and Neis- The rebuilding imperative in fisheries: Clumsy solutions for a wicked problem?
Extra: An Initial Social Process (this work relates to the Clark et al reading above an the extra reading from the week before. Collectively, the three works cover the social process, decision process and problem orientation of a conflict in forestry management in Ecuador).
Extra: An Initial Social Process (this work relates to the Clark et al reading above an the extra reading from the week before. Collectively, the three works cover the social process, decision process and problem orientation of a conflict in forestry management in Ecuador).
Week 8 Things people believe (10/10)
Clark: Policy Oriented Professionalism and Policy Analysis and Multiple Methods, Chapters 6 & 7
Edelman- Symbolic Basis of Politics
Edelman- Symbolic Basis of Politics
Elder and Cobb- Symbolic Attachments pages 28-35
Forchtner and Kølvraa- The Nature of Nationalism
Taylor- Surfing into Spirituality
Hughs- The Folly of Scientism
Taylor- Surfing into Spirituality
Hughs- The Folly of Scientism
Week 9 Guest Speaker: Dr. Larry Cahoon (10/17)
Lindstrom et al 2011- Perfluoroalkyl Past Present and Future
Week 10: To what end do we work? e.g. Democracy (10/24)
Clark: Chapter 8
Dahl- Chapter 1 and Chapters 4- 7
Dahl- Chapter 1 and Chapters 4- 7
Madison- The Federalist #10: The same subject continued: The Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection
Rayner- The rise of risk and the decline of politics
Gilley- Technocracy and Democracy as spheres of justice in public policy
Extra: Schattschneider- Introduction to Semisovereign People (which is not written by Schattschneider but reviews his work)
Rayner- The rise of risk and the decline of politics
Gilley- Technocracy and Democracy as spheres of justice in public policy
Extra: Schattschneider- Introduction to Semisovereign People (which is not written by Schattschneider but reviews his work)
Student led discussions
Week 11 (10/31) Cameron- Chemistry/Public Health
Post, G. B., P. D. Cohn and K. R. Cooper. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), an emerging drinking water contaminant: a critical review of recent literature.
B. R., H. Q., J. N. Franklin, R. L. McMahen, D. S., C. P. Higgins, M. J. Strynar, and D. J. C. 2017. Evaluation of the Immunomodulatory Effects of 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoro-2-(Heptafluoropropoxy)-Propanoate in C57BL/6 Mice. Toxicological Sciences 156:179-189.
Week 12 (11/7) Christine- Goals, Metrics for Success, Trends
Week 13 (11/14) Mackenzie- Social Demographics and Politics
This week will also have a guest speaker, Dr. Rob Hart, who will provide an intro on the socioeconomic and political changes of eastern North Carolina over the last 50 years.
1.Wilmington, NC Demographics (New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender County)
2. The Wilmington Race Riot Here and here
3. Water Politics
4. Politics of Drinking Water
5. Polluting Politics AME
6. Scientific Journal of Integrating Science and Public Participation
1.Wilmington, NC Demographics (New Hanover, Brunswick and Pender County)
2. The Wilmington Race Riot Here and here
3. Water Politics
4. Politics of Drinking Water
5. Polluting Politics AME
6. Scientific Journal of Integrating Science and Public Participation
Week 14 (11/21) Nick- Regulatory History (similar cases? politics?)
The Lawyer Who Became Dupont's Worst Nightmare (This details the legal story behind West Virginia's PFOA pollution)Week 15 (11/28)
Jatu- Environmental Justice (especially, water)
Bullard’s Environmental Justice for AllPerreault’s Governance and Equity
Reed’s Unequal Water Justice
Kellog and Mathur’s EJ and Information Technology
Extra: Pontius’ EJ and Drinking Water Regulation
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