Final Presentation

Inspiring Inquiry
10-20 minutes

In this presentation you are charged with providing an inspirational and introspective narrative about your intellectual journey over the course of the semester and the course of writing the final paper.  

The format and presentation style is amendable to your tastes.  I encourage you to consider some TedX presentation tips here and above all else, refrain from a lot of text on a slide.  The rule of thumb is that your audience will read your slides or they will listen to you but they will not do both.  You can use whatever presentation format you are comfortable with and you do not necessarily have to have slides.  
  • There are a couple of points you should cover but nut necessarily in this order...
  • What was your contribution to the final project?
  • What information did you present to the group but that did not make the final cut in the paper?
  • If you were to have worked on this paper on your own, how do you think the results would differ?
  • What, if anything, did you learn about your strengths and weaknesses in collaborative work settings and group discussions?
  • How did the way you think about this topic change over the course of the 
    • semester?
    • working on the final project?
  • What do you wish you had more time to address
  • What are you thinking about working on for your capstone project?


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